Paul Xavier – 30-Day Content Strategist (Premium)


Paul Xavier – 30-Day Content Strategist

File details overview
Name Details
File Name Paul Xavier – 30-Day Content Strategist
File size 60.7 GB
Publisher Paul Xavier
update and Published 2023

In just 4 weeks here’s what you’ll get:

Guaranteed to land you your first content strategy client in 30 days
Proven step-by-step systems for generating $5,000 – $35,000+ per month selling content strategy packages to business owners
The 4-week program takes you through; the opportunity, how to win deals and outsource the fulfillment to contractors, how to land clients with laser-targeted “Bullseye Videos”, how to build a hyper-focused list, how to get referrals, and much more…
The EXACT process I used to start an outsourced video editing team of rockstars that edit A+ content FAST and AFFORDABLY
Assistance on completing the project for your first client so you don’t freak out when they send over the check and you have to actually do the work
Access to over $10,000 in legal contracts to protect yourself as a Content Strategist & expert training on how to use them
How to use the money you generate from content strategy as “Cashflow” to invest and scale your investment portfolio
Behind the scenes of my Content Strategy business – DNC Media. I show everything I do to execute my business including job shadows of shoots, sales call recordings, financial management, interviews with my clients, team members, and more
Access to a member-led community of the world’s best Content Strategists around the world doing the same thing
30-Day Content Strategist Curriculum

Week 1 – Millionaire Mindset
Week 1 – Value Creation
Week 1 – Content Asset EXPLAINED
Week 2 – Marketing Mastery
Week 3 – Sales Mastery
Week 3 – Contracts + Setting Expectations
Week 4 – Systemized Operations
Week 4 – Financial Freedom
The first two weeks of the program are currently done and up in the training portal! The remainder of the course is being uploaded on a daily basis!

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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

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