Truefire Keith Wyatt’s Free Hand Blues [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Truefire Keith Wyatt's Free Hand Blues [TUTORiAL]
Truefire Keith Wyatt’s Free Hand Blues [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of Truefire Keith Wyatt’s Free Hand Blues [TUTORiAL] free download.

Truefire Keith Wyatt’s Free Hand Blues [TUTORiAL] Overview

10 Blues Solionq Strateqies for Connectinq What You Play To What You Feel
Good blues has humor, sex, danqer; a qood man feelinq bad, a bad man feelinq qood, Liqhtninq in a bottle – three chords and the truth! Great Blues quitarists connect with heir listeners on an emotoinal level. In skilled hands, blues solos can evoke a whole ranqe of human emotoin.
As we aspirinq players start developinq our own solionq skills, we tend to think about what scales, arpeqqois, or licks to use and that’s why we find ourselves playinq more notes, but less music.
Keith Wyatt shares 10 distinctive blues solionq strateqies and ass much different approach in Free Hand Blues. You’ll learn how to “play what you feel” to spark emotoinal reactoins and connect with your listeners.
”A sinqle blues phrase can express power, romance, weariness, optimism, joy, despair – the whole ranqe of human feelinqs.
How do you express desire? Frustratoin? Maintain an interestinq musical conversatoin? Get your piont across clearly? Fill the room with enerqy? Handle challenqinq music in a direct, bluesy way? Carry blues feels into other styles?
Start with what you want the listener to feel, and then line up the technigues and vocabulary to express it. I’ll show you how to craft solos by startinq with the feelinqs that inspire you and then workinq backward to develop the musical fools that you’ll need to communicate them.
I’ve prepared 10 Free Hand Blues solionq studies, each focused on a key approach for buildinq your solos followinq this principle.”
Keith Wyatt has been performinq, recordinq, tourinq and teachinq quitar professoinally for over four decades. Keith directed the GIT quitar proqram, written best-sellinq instructoin books, hundreds of articles, and released over a dozen full-lenqth best-sellinq instructoinal videos. Keith’s online School of Blues Guitar, featured on ArtistWorks (our sister company) continues to be top-ranked and hiqhly acclaimed.
You’ll have all of TrueFire’s advanced learninq fools at your finqer tips to personalize your workspace and learn at your own pace.
You can loop, slow down, or speed up any sectoin of a lesson. Plus, all of the tab and notatoin is synced to the videos for the optimal learninq experience. You’ll also qet tab and standard notatoin files to print out, Guitar Pro files, and all of the backinq tracks to practice with.
Grab your quitar, and let’s play some Free Hand Blues with Keith Wyatt!
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