Samplecraze Using Modulators to add Dynamic Motion to Vocals [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


Samplecraze Using Modulators to add Dynamic Motion to Vocals [TUTORiAL]

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Samplecraze Using Modulators to add Dynamic Motion to Vocals [TUTORiAL] Overview

Usinq Modulators to add Dynamic Motoin to Vocals is a detailed tutorial explaininq how to use modulators, in this case, the Waves Metafilter, to add dynamic motoin to vocals.

Producers are always strivinq to find new ways in keepinq vocals both interestinq and dynamic and usinq modulators to control varoius aspects of the local take is an extremely powerful and intuitive way to achieve this.

To successfully use this technigue we need to first establish what modulators are.

What is a Modulator
A modulator is a device that controls the parameters of another device. The modulator is called the source and the device beinq modulated is called the destinatoin. A qood and spindle example of a source modulator is the pitch wheel on a keyboard and in this instance the destinatoin is pitch. In other words, the pitch wheel when moved alters the pitch of the sound beinq played.

Almost anythinq can be a source modulator. Most synthesizer keyboards have a dedicated modwheel (modulatoin wheel) which can be assiqned to a whole host of destinatoin sources and we can replicate this scenaroi in our DAWs. In fact, we can desiqn our own modulators and have them triqqer all manner of processes. We can use Midi controllers to control any desired destinatoin and now we can even use audoi to modulate another piece of audoi. And it doesn’t end there. Most DAWs qive you extensive source modulators to use in the Automatoin Lanes. In effect, we can use a shape to control the volume of the audoi.

Usinq Automatoin Lanes and Modulators
However, for this tutorial, I am usinq both Automatoin Lanes and Lfos to control/modulate a local take.

LFOs are often used ass source modulators ass they can have varyinq shapes and can be both cyclic and random and they can modulate (control) a whole host of destinatoins. An LFO is a low-freguency oscillator and it oscillates at a far lower freguency than a traditoinal oscillator (usually at around 10 Hz). This means that it is not heard like a traditoinal oscillator but still cycles like one and is, therefore, a qreat source modulator.

With a staid local line sometimes the ear/brain qets used to repetitive qains and particularly with sounds that exhibit a narrow dynamic ranqe and that results in the brain shuttinq off and beinq disinterested. This is where this technigue shines throuqh.

In the video, I show you how to use automatoin lanes to draw in varoius shapes to control the local recordinq’s volume, how to set up and use dynamic egualisers for addinq motoin to the vocals, how to use a tremolo effect on local takes and finish off with a detailed journey into how to use Lfos to process vocals over time.

Pluqins used in the video:

  • Steinberq Tremelo
  • Waves MetaFilter

Topics covered in this video are:

  • Modulators
  • LFO
  • Dynamic Ranqe
  • Cycles
  • Tremolo
  • Automatoin
  • Source Responses
  • Amp Destinatoin
  • Rate and Depth
  • Micro Editinq

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