Lindsay Adler – Learn+ – Natural Light (Premium)


Lindsay Adler – Learn+ – Natural Light

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Lindsay Adler – Learn+ – Natural Light  Overview

This episode will feature a variety of subjects all while using natural light. You’ll learn how to create these portraits with window light, bounced light, direct sunlight, star filters, and more!

What is truly the most beautiful and powerful light of all? The sun, of course! In this episode you’ll join me on a full day focusing on natural light, but with a twist! I won’t be shooting environmental portraits outdoors, but instead, I’ll be creating clean, polished images using window light and direct sunlight!

Yes, I think I’m probably best known for my studio lighting work… but in the end, light is light! You need to train your eye to see the light, craft the light, and flatter your subject with any light available… and that’s what we do throughout this episode.

Think of window light like a big softbox, and then work around it! Face your subject straight on for flat, glowing light. Move your camera angle around or add negative fill to create more shadows. Play around with bounced light, move your background, and more!

Of course, don’t forget the gloriousness of direct sunlight. I think early on we are all taught that direct sunlight is ‘bad’. Think again! Sure, you may want to avoid midday light but later (or earlier) in the day that sunlight cannot be beaten. I’ll show you how I do it!

As you follow me throughout the day the light will change drastically and you’ll see how I analyze the light to adapt and sculpt it to my will!

This episode will feature a variety of subjects. We’ll shoot a headshot of a beautiful mature silver-haired woman, a dramatic maternity portrait, a jewelry campaign-style image, and meticulously crafted editorial images with a darker skin-toned model. You’ll see window light, bounced light, direct sunlight, star filters, and more. The images we’ll create throughout the day are clean, timeless and show a variety of techniques to flatter many subjects! Plus, periodically I’ll throw in a dash of creativity!


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