Farid Askerov – Video Sales Academy PRO Download 2023 (Premium)


Farid Askerov – Video Sales Academy PRO

File details overview
Name Details
File Name Farid Askerov – Video Sales Academy PRO
Source https://learn.howtosellvideo.com/video-sales-academy
File size 5.7 GB
Publisher Farid Askerov
update and Published 2023


Hey, I’m Farid Askerov – Owner of Shutter Sauce and Creator of the Video Sales Academy. I’ve worked hard to create a business and lifestyle on MY terms, and I want to help YOU do the same.

Today, I closed a $60K video project.

Last year in 2022, my highest project closed was $30K and I could barely believe it back then too.

It’s the most I’ve ever closed for a single project in my life & if you would have told me four years ago I’d be regularly closing deals between $10K to $60K… I would have said you’re f*cking insane.

Not only am I closing these higher-priced projects… I’m able to take three months off in a year if I really want to. That’s exactly what I did last year in 2022 and still made more money than I did in 2021.

Sometimes I feel like I have to pinch myself because I can’t believe how far I’ve come in those four short years. I feel like I figured out the “cheat code”.

Module 1 – Lead Gen & Confidence 101

Confidence 101
Lead Gen Strategies (Networking and Direct Outreach)
How to Approach Networking Events
How to get Repeat work, Referrals & Testimonials
Module 2 – Before the Meeting: How to Prepare

Discovery Form & Calendly Integration
Red Flags (Avoid Tire Kickers & Time Wasters)
Module 3 – Running the Sales Meeting

Sales Mentality
How to Set Up a Powerful Sales Conversation Immediately at the Start
The ENTIRE Sales Meeting Process – Start to Finish
Value-Based Pricing
FOUR Useful Videos to Sell, when to Sell them & How Much to Charge
Easy Retainer Videos – How to Pitch & Close $2K+ per month recurring revenue projects
Module 4 – Sales Call Recordings & Deals Closed

$6,500 – Brand Video – ZOOM Recording
$10,000 – 2x Testimonial Videos – ZOOM Recording
$10,000 – What to do When Clients Push Back – Closing a Deal over E-mail
$13,300 – Multi-Video Deal – IN-PERSON Recording
$30,000 – Multi-Video Deal – ZOOM Recording
$60,000 – Detailed Breakdown of the Proposal that Beat 5 other Video Companies
The Video Vault: All of my video projects over the last 4 years are sorted by industry and video type. Show these to your potential clients. Let me help you close the deal.
Module 5 – Answering Questions from 50+ Students

How I tripled revenue from Year 1 to Year 2
Do I need to niche?
Do I need a portfolio to sell projects?
Feel like you could have charged your client more?
….and many more common questions

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