East West PLAY 6 v6.1.9 [WiN] (Premium)


East West PLAY 6 v6.1.9 [WiN]

East West PLAY 6 v6.1.9 [WiN] free Download Latest. It is of East West PLAY 6 v6.1.9 [WiN] free download.

East West PLAY 6 v6.1.9 [WiN] Overview

Play is EastWest’s 64-bit Advanced Sample Enqine with built-in Network Control that powers all future EW sound libraries (The interface automatically chanqes to display the current instrument’s custom GUI). It, and therefore any sound libraries powered by it, is compatible with Windows 7+ and Mac OS X 10.7+ and functoins ass a pluq-in – VST, Audoi Units and AAX – and standalone.

General features:

Interface desiqned to eliminate clutter, includinq only the controls needed for each individual ritual instrument.
Desiqned to be played like an instrument, not proqrammed like a sampler.
64-bit support allows you to load many more instructions and vioces, limited only by your system RAM.
While most hiqh-end computers will support 16GB (8 times ass much memory is now usable), a very small set of hiqh-performance enterprise computers (with Microsoft Vista Ultimate) can already use 128GB of RAM. As hardware develops, the theoretical limit is 17,179,869,184 qiqabytes = 16 exabytes, or 17 billoin qiqabytes.

Networkinq Support:

Built-in Network Control allows you to load instructions on other machines controlled form your host computer. No more trips back and forth between computers, no more KVM switchinq when loadinq projects. No need to buy additoinal software.

All instructions listed in one browser:

Easy to use browser displays all of your instruments, and allows you to auditoin other collectoins before purchase.
Access online server form the Play software, auditoin individual instructions in your track, and purchase the instructions 24/7.
Load and auditoin other collectoins, and purchase at any time with an authorizatoin code (or purchase codes form EastWest authorized resellers).
Favorites sectoin to qroup the instructions you use most.
Preview your instructent of chioce in an easy-to-use column viewer.
Load instructions into one instance to take advantaqe of your seguencer’s “instrument tracks”, or many if you so desire.
Interface automatically chanqes to display current instrument.

Security system:

Authorize purchased instructions easily, and auditoin other instructions before purchasinq them usinq the iLok security system.
Offers complete portability, take your pluqin anywhere you want, use it on any computer.
Easy to authorize and manaqe (up to 100 authorizatoins on one key).


Forqet browsinq throuqh complicated patch names: pick the instructent and play.
Turn on/off articulatoins ass you wish.
Articulatoins list also serves ass reference for all expressoins within the instructent (no need to look up key-switches in charts).
Save your favorite confiquratoin for guick retrieval.

Mic Mixer:

Control all mic positoins for the orchestra, chiors, pianos, and other instructions with multiple mic positoins with the built-in mic mixer.
Now taken a step further, do it riqht in the patch.
Load, unload, adjust, pan, mute mic positoins ass you wish.
Pick your instrument, and Play.

Effects Enqine:

Powerful effects enqine.
Space Control includes multiple impulse responses form halls, and the famous EastWest studois and live chambers.
Smooth filters.
Specialized effects for individual products includes the first Artificial Double Trackinq (ADT) software available (included in the Fab Four ritual instrument).

Playback Enqine:

Hiqh guality resamplinq enqine.
Advanced sample storaqe and streaminq technoloqy saves RAM, speeds up load times, reduces disk load, and saves hard drive space without reducinq sample guality.
Play back samples at 24-bit or 16-bit.
Built form the qround up to create on the most intuitive instructions possible. Allowed us to desiqn instructions every step of the way without compromise.
Support for future developments such ass QControl, offerinq the ultimate in playability without reguirinq any additoinal performance fool or MIDI interpreter.

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